Discovering who we really are… what we are made of… takes courage.
It takes the willingness to lose it all.
The willingness to face our mistakes without regret. To own our accomplishments without need for accolades or permission. It takes the want to simply live our lives
on our own terms.
We ask ourselves… “What are my terms?”
In my office I get the honor to be able to work with people from all over the world who chance upon my website, my posts, a friend who recommends they see me…some divine opening that guides them to connect.
Underneath their desires for:
- a better job
- a more prosperous business
- a more connected relationship
- less stress at work
- more focus and energy
- more resources and resourcefulness
- more health and vitality
- the ability to get over the past, pain or limiting habits
Under it all is one unanswered question that haunts most people.
Am I living the life I am hear to live?
said another way…
Am I living my life’s purpose?
The first thing I ask my clients to inventory is …
- Are you living your life on your terms?
- Do you believe your life to be of your own choosing?
- Do you fully own the very direction your life is on and the decisions you make to propel you forward?
If any of these questions is, at any level, even a smidgen, a “no”… we first unravel the truth of what your life’s foundation is set upon.
We look at where you have given your power away? What are you tolerating? What have you outgrown that you no longer desire?
When one is called to go within, I encourage that journey to unfold. It does not need to take long… an afternoon to one’s self, a walk in nature, a day at the beach can do wonders.
If we do not heed our inner voice and live our life in haste, worry, regret, and fear… any movement forward will be made on shaky ground.
What are the terms of your life?
What do you stand for?
What do you commit to being more of?
Going within
begins the
journey to a life loved,
a life fully lived and
a soul finally unleashed.
To you!
Coach Tina Marie