The desire to lose weight, the seeking of a soul mate, obtaining that degree, buying that first house, getting out of debt these are all examples of goals. We set them. We plan for their success then we set off to attain the results we seek. On the surface it all sounds pretty simple. We decide on a result, we form a plan and we take action. Yet there comes a time in most goal achievement where something starts to occur. We lose focus, our intention gets cloudy, we get distracted, other things come in and take more importance, or maybe a serious life interruption takes place. If I were to poll a hundred people, my guess is that 90 or more would be able to openly share their own experiences of not reaching a goal that was, at one time, very important to them. So how is this so ‘normal’?
One man I met at one of my mental organization training workshops shared that he had found the secret to successful goal planning, “do not set goals and you will achieve every time.”
Well that is an option true.
That is not what this post is about.
I like setting goals, planning, moving forward and achieving my results. In fact, I have now set up a habit of success and the, once ever present habit of failure feels to be far in the distant past.
I have coached hundreds of individuals, career execs, entrepreneurs, families, and entire businesses to reach their heart’s most desired goals, in all imaginable forms. The one thing I have seen that works the absolute best at reforming internal habits to success is this:
Set small actionable goals that you can take daily and do them.
The main goal you seek, when analyzed, is actually a series of smaller goals, and those, when broken down are even smaller, mind you not less significant.
All primary goals ( losing weight, finding your true love, making money, etc…) can be broken down to a set of daily measures forward.
Set a daily goal for yourself that moves each area of your life forward and you will begin to not only feel more balanced, you will create an unstoppable habit of success!
Sending you high fives,
Coach Tina Marie