Complaining is an inefficient use of discord.
Sometimes we may find ourselves upset with the conditions of our lives. It may be the job we are in or our co-workers. Maybe it is something we do not like about our home life. Maybe it is a condition with our health or our money position. Whatever the discord, if we find ourselves verbally or even mentally in patterns of complaining, we are shooting ourselves in the foot and draining the very fuel that would have our lives become extraordinary. Verbal or mental complaining is actually sabotaging our ability to make progressive change in our lives to remedy the situation.
Longing and discontent are fuel for positive change when empowered by personal choice to rise up and act. If one is dismayed, feels unsettled, or wants things to be different … they must then choose to do something productive and be a catalyst for change. To do nothing leads to a life of complaining, judging and negativit
y. Complaining will actually lead to more areas of discord and discontent. Be the one who uses your inner longing and, instead of talking about it, does something about it.
Notice where life feels stuck or against you. Notice where you are “Hamster-Wheeling”. Notice where you have conversations about what is not going well in your life. Take an inventory and write down as much what I call, “piss off’, and get it all onto paper.
You will see patterns emerge of areas of your
life that have the most sense of “stuck”.
The next step is to ask, “What am I being led to see? What one change can I make that will lead to the biggest feeling of progress?”
Then act! Do something. Find courage in the sense of discord. Speak up, act, move… all with courage.
You can do it! I believe in you!
- Coach Tina Marie