For most people, their worst enemy and critic is themselves. I learn in my coaching sessions where people have been carrying guilt, worry and remorse from past regrets and failures around for years.
In a recent session I asked a client how long she had been carrying the guilt of making a decision that has, in her mind, led her to a place where she feels stuck. She answered 19 years. That is a long time to be carrying around anything, let alone guilt.
At times like these, I write “Put yourself down” on my white board and watch my client’s faces. As they look at the board and then back at me with a puzzled expression. I explain… “You have been on your back for a long time. You have been carrying the ‘not happy’ version of you around for some time now.”
I bet you are tired a good deal of the time. She agreed. She is physically, emotionally and mentally tired. I can see it in her eyes, in her frame and hear it in her voice.
She has been on her own back for a long, long time and wearing the weight of it throughout her life.
Putting ourselves down, letting go of the mental baggage is simple when you know how. Forgiving yourself, seeing that you had done the best you knew to do at the time and that the weight of the past regrets are keeping you from your current good.
Look at how much your thoughts have costs you. Decide they are way too heavy to bear any longer.
Look to aim at a goal that is worthy of you stepping up and owning your life again.
When you do, I guarantee that you will gain more energy, vitality and happiness in your life.
You are worth it!
To you happiness,
Coach Tina Marie