The worst abuse we can bear is self abuse.
Who has you in a job you cannot stand?
Who has you living in conditions you complain about?
Who has you in the body that has become unhealthy?
Who has you merely getting by?
Who has you sleeping in the bed of the person you label as your abuser?
Who inhabits your mind, commands your actions, chooses your thoughts, tells your stories?
Those who want change now know to first stop their patterns of self abuse.
They stand up to their own tolerating of not being good enough to themselves first.
They use their power of choice to change the job that brings no satisfaction,
They change their living conditions,
They stop sleeping with the enemy,
they get up and create the very life they want to live.
They do so first by not telling their sad stories,
not enrolling people in their self deception,
they find a person who will not be fooled,
who will see their brilliance and only
aim in that light filled direction,
They seek out tools to reconstruct the patterns that have fooled them long enough,
they find people who will remind them to look at possibility and solution, and not stay
trapped in how bad things are.
Find a partner in believing today.
Find a strong person who has been through hell and kept going and tells the triumphant story.
Find a truthful person who is not seeking your approval or
has any attachment to an outcome you serve for them.
Get yourself up and get going.
Life is ready!
With Love,
Coach Tina Marie
very true, our greatest love and compassion must be for ourselves, and we live in a society that from the age of zero starts to teach “not good enough” just so we will buy more cookies, and its time that we became aware that “the notion of becoming” is not self love, but “lack thereof” and started to cultivate compassion for a lot of OCD, which as Pedagogically been indoctrinated into our DNA..